- -The Blacklightmen presents: Waking up inside my scull, Nightwalk
- -Mailart & In Vitro, Track & Trace
- -Amberes, Convergentiepunt / Point of Convergence
- -Coup de Ville, Implosie/Implosion
- -Especes D’espace-Crox 503
- -Schijnbare wereld op -3 / The world (dis)appearing on level -3, Update 5
- -El Hotel Electrico, Denkbeeld voor een restruimte (iets voor onderweg)
- -Parallel Realities #3
- -Parallel Realities #2
- -Parallel Realities #1, Into The Light
- -Glow, Construction for Erosion/ 30° Blank Bubble
- -Habitat Festival voor Ruimtelijke Verbeelding, Schijnbaar Vertrek , Apparent Departure
- -Randstad/ Conurbation
- -Associations to feed your Memory
- -Places for Illusions
- -Constructions of Chaos
- -10²°→ ∞ →10Å
- -P-259
-The Blacklightmen presents: Waking up inside my scull, Nightwalk
Nachtramen/ Nightwalk for Jaap Pieters, Beatrixpark, The Warp, Amsterdam
Installation with slideprojectors
A work in progress in analogue slides on ‘Light & Dust’ ; shifting ‘Softly as a Morning Sunrise’ through the same spaces over & over again, thus setting Light & Fire to the endless new details, slowly gathered over the years.
Bart Prinsen & Marnix Carpentier Alting showing their dreamlike ‘Walks through the Nights of Antwerp, Budapest & Dublin with the nightwalks inside Jaap’s Skull, before the sunlight fades those dreams away…
Bart Prinsen presents ‘Nachtramen- Nightwalk’ a sequence of nightshots on slides in Deurne.